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Topic Reading-Vol.4479-7/29/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Chimps share humans' 'snappy' conversational style
Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, sharing approximately 98-99% of our DNA. This genetic closeness is reflected in many aspects of their biology, behavior, and cognitive abilities, including communication. For example, they show affection and social bonding by kissing and grooming. Like some other animals, chimps communicate by facial expressions, body language, and gestures. But what is unique about our closest cousins is that they use a range of sounds to convey different messages, such as pant-hoots, grunts, screams, and barks. New findings from wild chimpanzees revealed that they engage in turn-taking conversations like humans. The researchers were surprised to find that they exchanged information by turn or occasionally interrupted one another. Along with facial expressions, body language, and gestures, chimpanzees seem to make more detailed and interactive face-to-face communication with each other.
Read the article and learn about chimpanzees' conversation.

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