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Topic Reading-Vol.4474-7/24/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
South Korea makes N Korean defector vice minister
Established in September 1948, North Korea, officially the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is under a unitary one-party socialist republic by a totalitarian hereditary dictatorship by Kim Jong Un, a grandson of the founding father Kim Il Sung. Its counterpart in the Korean peninsula, South Korea, the Republic of Korea (ROK), was established a few weeks earlier than DPRK. It is one of the most developed countries in Asia and is ranked 14th in GDP in the world. Which Koreans are happier than the other is so obvious. Despite the strict border control and fear tactics, no fewer than 34,000 individuals have defected from North Korea to the South. One of them is then a deputy ambassador to the UK, Tae Youg-ho, who fled to the South with his family in 2016. He won a seat representing a district in Seoul in the National Assembly in 2020. Recently, he was named the new leader of South Korea’s presidential advisory council on unification, the highest-ranking position among defectors. He is an advocate for the use of soft power to weaken the Kim regime. Can a former defector who was denounced as human scum by the North help realize the reunification?
Read the article and learn about the recent appointment of a former defector to a vice-ministerial job in South Korea.

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