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Topic Reading-Vol.4451-7/1/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
China space probe returns with rare Moon rocks
Cheng’e 6 was the sixth robotic lunar exploration mission by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and the second CNSA lunar sample-return mission. It is humanity's first lunar mission aimed at retrieving samples from the far side of the Moon, with all previous collective lunar mission samples having been taken from the near side. The prove was launched on May 3 and the landing module touched down on the Lunar far side on June 1. Then the lander’s robotic scoop and drill took samples from the lunar surface and placed them on the ascender module, which was launched into lunar orbit on June 3. The precious samples were then transferred to an atmospheric re-entry module, which came back and landed in the Inner Mongolia desert successfully on June 25. What a challenging mission without any astronomers on board! But why did the mission aim at the far side where no direct communication can be made with the Earth? What stake is there?
Read the article and learn about China’s amazing lunar mission.

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