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Topic Reading-Vol.4471-7/21/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
What a geriatric doctor wishes you knew now for healthy aging
We can’t change our genetics or our past, but we can change our future with things that we can change or control. As what makes us happy may be different at each stage of life, we should try to find a sense of self and purpose as we become older and more mature. In the meantime, the strength and mass of our muscles decrease as we age, so we need to exercise regularly. We also become physically weaker, so we should eat healthier food daily. Since older people tend to become mentally dependent and socially isolated, connections and interactions with others are essential to living happily. These are the things recommended to live a healthy life when we get older. Indeed, we seem to need to work harder and do more to cope with aging even after retirement!
Read the article and learn about what healthy aging means and requires.

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