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Topic Reading-Vol.4461-7/11/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Need multiple alarms to wake up in the morning? Here’s what could be happening, according to experts
Some people use a snooze button or multiple alarm settings to wake up in the morning, say 10 minutes, another 10 minutes, and finally, they get up after 10 or 20 minutes of “extra” sleep. But is this a good habit? Actually, this is not “extra” sleep but “interrupted” sleep, which undermines one’s sleep quality because the last hours of sleep are essential to refresh brain function. If you have difficulty waking up with the first alarm, you might not have gotten enough sleep, or your daily schedule doesn’t match your internal body clock. If you’re sleep-deprived, you need to turn off your smartphone and go to bed earlier unless you can get up later. If you’re a night owl but still need to get up early, you want to shift your body clock gradually to match the required daily schedule or change the job. Ideally, your body clock matches your daily routine, and you get up even before the ugly alarm sound goes off. If you still need to rely on your alarm, try to get up with just one alarm to maximize your sleep time.
Read the article and learn how to sleep better and longer without hearing multiple alarm sounds.

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