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Topic Reading-Vol.4459-7/9/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
AI is replacing human tasks faster than you think
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for some years and has dramatically improved the productivity of many jobs and automated tasks that used to be done by human intelligence. Those tasks include writing reports and summaries, answering questions and inquiries, calculating delivery routes, placing refill orders, diagnosing patients, and creating artwork such as music, stories, and cartoons. So far, AI has been empowering human jobs in many different ways instead of replacing them. Companies that use AI effectively are improving quality, productivity, and competitiveness, and so are the people who work with AI. Corporate executives expect that more and more human tasks will be replaced by AI in the years to come. Then more human jobs will be replaced not by AI but by other humans using AI.  
Read the article and learn about how AI has been and will be impacting human jobs.

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