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Topic Reading-Vol.4477-7/27/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Super cheap robotaxi rides spark widespread anxiety in China
China is the world’s biggest car and EV market. This year, over 11 million fully electric and Plug-in Hybrid vehicles are estimated to be sold, about two million more than the previous year. Electric vehicles are suitable for taxis as they usually drive within the cities they are registered. After each shift, they come back to the designated spot for charging and a driver change. Also, EVs are ideal for autonomous driving because they are controlled electronically. As the prices of some EVs in China are becoming more affordable, driverless taxis have become popular in some major cities like Wuhan, where the local government is supportive of the new technology and convenience in the hope of becoming the world’s first driverless city. And if there is no human driver, the running cost is lower than human-driven taxis. Though it might be just an introductory promotional price, robotaxis in Wunan can now be riden at a quarter of the price of the human-driven taxis. Driving might be one area where AI robots could technically and economically replace human labor. In the future when no driver’s seat is required, robo-taxis and robo-rideshares may become more popular in some markets.
Read the article and learn about the impact and economy of China's robotaxis.

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