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Topic Reading-Vol.4473-7/23/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Hot weather: How to sleep in the heat
The summer is getting warmer these days and probably will be in the future, too. In summer, we use more energy to regulate our internal temperatures, which makes us feel tired. While sleeping is becoming even more essential for our health and well-being, a good night’s sleep on a hot summer night is hard to get. But there are some tips that you can try to improve your sleep quality and length. For example, you should avoid taking daytime napping and try to keep routines. Also, you want to keep the bedroom dark and cool. In addition, stay hydrated with water during the day so that you can avoid waking up during the night for water or the bathroom. And of course, avoid playing on your phone before bedtime or drinking alcoholic drinks, so you can stay calmer when you go to bed. There is no magic. Follow the basics.
Read the article and learn about the tips for a better summer night's sleep.

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