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Topic Reading-Vol.4478-7/28/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Why you are probably sitting down for too long
How long do you usually keep sitting on an ordinary work or school day, four, eight, or twelve hours? If you keep sitting too long, you’ll spend less energy and circulate blood less fluently, which could be associated with risk factors for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and premature mortality. Also, reduced muscular activity lowers metabolic demand and burns less calories. If you don’t move your legs for long like being on a long flight, blood flow to the leg muscles decreases and causes blood pooling in the calves, called deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which could clog the blood circulation. It was found in 1953 that London bus drivers, who were sitting most of the time on the bus, developed coronary heart disease twice as many as bus conductors, who were always standing or walking around the bus. So, whatever you do, if you keep sitting so long, stand up and walk around, or move your legs from time to time to help blood circulation and metabolic activity. After all, human bodies have evolved to be able to walk upright most of the time.
Read the article and learn about the impacts of prolonged sitting.

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