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Topic Reading-Vol.4456-7/6/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
US states want to ban phones in schools. It might be a challenge
Nowadays, college students are using smartphones productively on and off campus. They take notes and photos of the lecture, research topics for their assignments, and make presentations with their smartphones. Smartphones are now an essential device for learning in college. However, high school and middle school school teachers are very much concerned about the use of smartphones during class. They want students to study, build relationships and friendships, and learn from each other in school, but their students are constantly texting their friends, replying to messages on social media, and scrolling through their feeds with their smartphones anywhere, anytime, including in classrooms and during class. Now, many states in the US, including most populous New York and California, are trying to ban the use of smartphones in the classroom. However, policing smartphone use in schools has never been an easy task. Parents want their children to have a smartphone for safety reasons. Students want to stay connected all the time and they feel more excited doing it during class. In the meanwhile, teachers want their students to study without disruption. The question is how schools effectively implement the policy once approved.
Read the article and learn about what some states are trying to do with smartphones in schools.

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