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Topic Reading-Vol.4454-7/4/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
How to exercise when it’s too hot outside
Regular exercise makes you healthier physically and mentally. But if you exercise outside, like jogging, playing sports, or even walking at high temperatures, exercise could have negative effects on you. Nowadays, deadly heat waves have become more frequent and caused heatstroke to many, including over a thousand Haji pilgrims in Mecca, Saudi Arabia who died last month. Some people are more vulnerable to heat. Children, elderly people, and those who have chronic medical conditions, such as heart, lung, and kidney problems. If you ever feel a headache, weakness, dizziness, and nausea while working or exercising outside, you’d better cool yourself immediately. And if these symptoms persist, you might have gotten heat stroke, which requires immediate medical attention. Don’t underestimate the effects of overheating. It is fatal.
Read the article and learn about what to do and what not to do when it is so hot outside.

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