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Topic Reading-Vol.4453-7/3/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Escaped pet donkey found 'living best life' with elk
The donkey is the horse family while the elk is the deer family. Donkeys are domesticated animals found worldwide, originally from North Africa while Eek are wild animals found in forests and meadows, primarily in North America and Asia. Donkeys are generally a little smaller than elk and weigh around 200-some kilograms, about the same weight as female elk. Both donkeys and elk primarily eat grasses and leaves while domestic donkeys are often fed with hay and grains as well. One of the key differences between them is donkeys are more solitary and independent but elk are typically social and live in herds. Also, donkeys are mostly domesticated as working animals or pets while elk are wild animals.
An eight-year-old male pet donkey, Diesel, went missing during a hiking trip in California in 2019. Despite extensive search attempts, he has never been found. Recently, a hiker filmed a donkey in a herd of elk. Upon seeing the video, the Diesel's owners identified the donkey as him. They were pleased that Diesel was well and looked happy in the elk herd. They now hope the donkey enjoys his life in the wild. Usually, donkeys outlive elk.
Enjoy reading the article and see the film that shows a donkey with a herd of elk.

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