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Topic Reading-Vol.4442-6/22/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
A crocodile was terrorizing this Australian town. So residents cooked and ate it
The saltwater crocodile lives in saltwater habitats, wetlands, and even rivers in South Asia, Micronesia, and northern Australia. It is the largest living reptile, and males can grow over a ton and six meters long while females are about half of their weight and size. Seawater crocodiles are vicious predators. They eat living creatures in the water and on the land, including sharks, birds, pigs, dogs, and even humans. They had been hunted for their skins until the 1970s and have been listed on the IUCN Red List since 1996. Recently, a 3.6-meter saltwater crocodile was shot dead in Australia’s Northern Territory because it ate pet dogs and threatened children. The crocodile was then cooked and eaten by the residents according to the tradition, including tail soup, barbecue, and steamed dish wrapped in banana leaves. Hunting a crocodile to protect a human community and fill their stomach. Nothing was wasted. Sounds ecological, doesn't it?
Read the article and learn about what residents did to a threatening crocodile.

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