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Topic Reading-Vol.4440-6/20/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Could AI put an end to animal testing?
Animal testing uses non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. Millions of fish and animals, such as rats, dogs, and primates are being used each year. For example, before testing a new medicine on humans, animals are used as test subjects to find if the medicine causes harmful or toxic effects on them. The practice is considered by researchers as a necessary evil since no other effective alternative methods have been developed. Now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is coming to the aid of such medical research. AI can extract and synthesize available data that are relevant to specific research. Also, AI could produce virtual animals that are trained using the data from historical test results in place of real animal testing. AI helps not only develop new medicine but also reduce live-animal testing.
Read the article and learn about how AI could save the lives of animals.

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