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Topic Reading-Vol.4425-6/5/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Heat kills at least 15 in India as temperatures near 50C
May and June are the hottest months in New Delhi with the mean daily maximum temperatures reaching nearly 40C. Since the new millennium, India has seen a rise in deaths due to extreme heat. This year, temperatures have gone around mid-40s degrees in some parts of the country since May, with Delhi and surrounding regions experiencing nearly 50C. Many people have been admitted to hospitals due to heat-related ailments, and some of them died, including election officers. When temperatures rise, the demand for electricity surges, which could lead to power shortages, and the same goes for water consumption and supply.
As heatwaves are becoming longer, more intense, and more frequent due to global warming, the problems aren’t limited to India.
Read the article and learn about how hot India has been since May.

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