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Topic Reading-Vol.4429-6/9/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Record 13 million to sit ‘world’s toughest’ college entrance exam
The Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges, usually mentioned as Gaokao (Higher Exam) is China’s annual national undergraduate admission exam, which is held in early June every year. The grueling test lasts nine hours in two days, including Chinese, math, English, and either science subjects like physics and chemistry or arts subjects like history and political science. The exam scores are used for university admissions. For example, top universities like Peking and Tsinghua require a minimum of around 680 out of the maximum score of 750. In 2000, there were 3.7 million Gaokao test takers, and nearly 60% of them were admitted to colleges. In the last five years, over 10 million students took Gaokao tests and more than 85% of them were accepted by colleges. This year, a record 13.4 million students took the two-day exams. Since most high school students are their parent’s only children, they are desperately expected to get better scores to enter good universities, even though over 20% of college graduates have been unable to find jobs in recent years. Chinese students seem to be studying under extremely heavy pressure and intense competition.
Read the article and learn about China’s national college entrance exams.

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