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Topic Reading-Vol.4433-6/13/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
How air pollution is causing girls to get their first periods earlier
New research in the US has found that girls are entering puberty at a younger age than previous generations. Girls born in the early 2000s in the US experienced their first period when they were 11.9 years on average. It was 12.5 years only half a century ago. A similar trend has also been found in South Korea whose fertility rate is the lowest in the world. The causes of earlier puberty are still being investigated. Studies in South Korea suggest that air pollution might affect physical development. One concern about earlier puberty is that girls are likely to become sexually active earlier, which could lead to unwanted teen pregnancies. Also, it has been thought that early puberty could trigger higher risks of breast cancer, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. While girls are becoming ready to become pregnant earlier, fewer babies are born in developed countries and metropolitan communities, including South Korea.
Read the article and learn about why girls are getting their first periods at younger ages.

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