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Topic Reading-Vol.4441-6/21/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Greece shuts Acropolis to protect tourists from blistering heat
The Acropolis of Athens is an ancient citadel that sits on a rocky hill in Athens, Greece. It was built in the 5th century BCE following the victory against the Persians. The ancient monument was listed on the World Heritage Site list in 1987, and it now receives over 20,000 visitors each day. Athens has a Mediterranean climate, with mild and wet winters and hot, dry summers. Since the Acropolis stands on a steep, rocky hill, it is exposed to sunlight and heat. The popular tourist site has recently been closed to tourists and workers in mid-afternoons in summer to protect them from heat. This year, when the temperature reached around 40 degrees Celsius on June 12, it shut its doors to visitors. Because of global warming, Greece has experienced fierce heatwaves and wildfires more frequently than ever. Is summer still a good time to visit Greece?
Read the article and learn about how hot it could be to visit a world heritage site.

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