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Topic Reading-Vol.4434-6/14/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
India’s division by prosperity and poverty
Of the 1.4 billion population, there are nearly a billion voters and as many as six hundred million workers in India. Mumbai is the financial capital and the most populous city of India with an estimated population of over 23 million in the metropolitan region. Like other metropolitan cities like Delhi and Bengaluru, Mumbai is a financially and socially diverse city. There are quite a few wealthy people who earn decent incomes and live in high-rise buildings. Also, there are many residents who are struggling just to make ends meet each day. In fact, over 80% of India’s workers work in the unorganized sector, where they have no formal work contracts, social security, or health benefits, such as farmers, rickshaw drivers, and housemaids. Before the individual’s ambition, education, and hard work, the family background still seems to matter a lot to the course of life in India.
Read the article about two women whose family backgrounds and lives are distinctively different and learn about the disparity in India.

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