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Topic Reading-Vol.4427-6/7/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Chinese online short dramas seek ever-growing success
Viewed mostly on smartphones or smart devices, micro-dramas or mini-series, typically played on mini-programs or social platforms. They are brief, lasting only between tens of seconds and a few minutes per episode and often ending with a cliffhanger or twist. The first few episodes are usually free to attract viewers and later episodes in which the storyline unfolds usually adopt a pay-per-view model. This new short drama category has become very popular in China, having created over 5 billion in revenues last year. Because of the relatively small production costs, these online micro-drams generate lucrative profits once they become popular. A flashy image, a catchy title, and a large number of online mentions on social media would attract the attention of first-time viewers. Then an intriguing, exciting, or enticing first few episodes would encourage the viewers to pay to view subsequent episodes. It seems like a very unique visual entertainment business model that has emerged and been growing online from China and beyond.
Read the article and learn about how Chinese online short dramas have been growing.

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