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Topic Reading-Vol.4428-6/8/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
North Korea sent trash balloons to South Korea. Activists are sending balloons back with K-pop and K-dramas
South Korean activists have been sending propaganda balloons to its northern neighbor for some time, containing USB sticks loaded with videos and TV shows, leaflets criticizing North’s leaders, and booklets about South’s prosperity. In return, the North recently sent quite a few balloons carrying trash of all kinds, and over a thousand of them arrived in South Korea. These balloons disrupted flights and business activities in areas near the border. Indeed, balloons are an economical, carbon-free way to send materials somewhere. However, once the balloons are released, they are controlled mainly by the wind, and they might arrive too far from the targeted areas. Also, you never know if the items you packed will be picked up by the target populations. In addition, it is threatening if explosive, hazardous, or contaminated materials are sent by balloons. Why are Koreans relying on balloons to send messages and trash to each other?
Read the article and learn about the recent balloon attacks in the Korean Peninsula.

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