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Topic Reading-Vol.4509-8/28/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
1,500 policies to fix global warming were implemented in 41 countries. Here are the ones that worked best
Many policies have been introduced and implemented to reduce planet-heating pollution, including incentives for EVs, taxes on fossil fuels, and closures of coal power plants. But which policies have worked better to curb global warming and conserve the environment? A newly conducted research analyzed the effectiveness of 1,500 climate policies across 41 countries over the past two decades and found that 63 policies significantly reduced climate pollution by themselves or combined with other policies. One surprising finding was that those policies are more effective if they are implemented with other policies. For example, tax breaks for low-carbon vehicles in the USA reduced greenhouse gas emissions significantly when fuel efficiency standards were reformed at the same time. It also found that taxation seems to have good effects on the environment despite its unpopularity. If you do it, do it right.
Read the article and learn how to make climate policies work better.

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