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Topic Reading-Vol.4489-8/8/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Will extreme weather change when (and where) you go on holiday?
The summer is getting hotter and hotter in most places on the planet. Do you want to go to the beach or visit historic monuments like the ones in Italy or Spain where you could be baked by the Sun for your summer vacation? As the world temperatures rise, going outside in summer isn’t as preferred as before. Extreme weather conditions like heatwaves, drought, flooding, and heavy storms could turn what is supposed to be a dream vacation into a nightmare. In fact, the UK’s travel agents have been witnessing changes in vacation destinations and timing. They see more vacationers try to avoid traveling in hotter months, choose cooler destinations, or plan during shoulder or off seasons. Since no one wants to be stuck in a busy airport, heavy traffic, or crowded places, shifting the timing and destinations for vacation seems to be a natural trend. Gone are the days when everyone enjoyed a sunny summer vacation.
Read the article and learn about how vacationers are changing their vacation plans.

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