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Topic Reading-Vol.4488-8/7/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Less than half of Generation Z watch broadcast TV
According to recent media research in the UK, less than half of young adults aged between 16 and 24 watched TV broadcasts during an ordinary week last year. The figure was 76% five years earlier. They spent an hour and a half each day watching videos like TikTok and YouTube on their mobile devices or TV sets. Children aged between four and 15 did similarly, only 55% watched TV programs compared to 81% in 2018. However, 84 % of the middle-aged generation aged between 45 and 54 still watched broadcast TV programs, which was only a 5% decline in five years. Interestingly, more people are now watching internet videos on TV screens. Overall, UK viewers watched more TV and video content at home, about four hours and a half each day, thanks to video-sharing platforms and subscription services.
Generation Z, or Zoomers, are young people who were born between 1997 and 2012 and are now aged between 12 and 27. They are the next generation after Millennials whose ages are now between 28 and 43. Of the UK’s population of 67 million, Gen-Z is about 12.7 million and Millennials are 14.8 million, representing roughly 19% and 20% respectively. What seems to be required to make for marketers is not just a choice of broadcast or broadband or segmentation by generation, but to select a more individually targeted approach.
Read the article and learn about how British people spend their screen time.

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