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Topic Reading-Vol.711-3/23/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Cooking meat 'may be dementia risk'
What AGE? Advanced glycation ends, or AGEs, are chemicals that are formed when proteins or fats react with sugar during the cooking process. In short, when you grill or pan-fry meat, you also produce chemicals that could raise the risk of suffering from dementia.
A research showed that mice fed a high-AGEs diet had built more proteins in the brain and impaired cognitive function that is seen in dementia than those that were fed a low-AGEs food.
Although dementia is not a single disease but a non-specific syndrome, it affects cognitive areas such as memory, attention, language, and problem solving. One of the common and known forms of the syndrome is Alzheimer's disease.
Can we prevent dementia if we stop browning meat? Should we eat beef sushi rather than a steak?
Enjoy reading and learning about what a new research on AGEs has found.

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