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Topic Reading-Vol.707-3/19/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
WHO: Daily sugar intake 'should be halved'
How much sugar is enough or too much? Some may say he doesn’t eat any sugar. Another may say she doesn’t put sugar in her tea. But sugar is unfortunately and unknowingly contained in many of the foods and drinks sold and consumed, and the make the matter even worse, in tasty ones as you all know.
You don’t need a calculator to figure out how much sugar you put in your drinks or cooking. Also, you can easily imagine that cakes, sweets and sweetened drinks contain sugar, not to mention alcohol beverages. But there is also sugar that is naturally contained in ordinary food such as honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit concentrates.
The World Health Organization (WHO) currently sets a daily sugar intake at10% of total calorie intake, which has been thought too high considering the mounting evidence of obesity around the world. The health organization now is now going to recommend the daily calorie intake by sugar to be less than 10%, with 5% as target.
Although 10% of something is relatively easily calculated, it isn’t so to measure how much sugar and calorie the portion of the food or amount of the drink you are taking. The new recommendation may simply put everyone into a dark cloud.
Enjoy reading and learning about how serious the calorie intake is.

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