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Topic Reading-Vol.698-3/10/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
World needs pilots! Record growth leads to record need
Will air travels be as safe, comfortable, and punctual, if they are, as today in the next decades?
There will be 13,000 new commercial aircraft added to the globe by 2032. To fly that many new airplanes, nearly 200,000 new pilots are needed. Are there enough training facility and capacity in the market, not to mention the candidates who want to spend their life in the tiny cockpit?
Furthermore, in order to keep that many aircraft up in the air, about a half a million new technicians are required to maintain and service them. That seems more challenging than recruiting and training new pilots because those mechanics have to work outside day and night, any time of year, no matter how severe the weather or climate conditions are. It is also quite surprising to know that while it takes mere 18 months to train a copilot, which sounds amazingly short to most passengers, it requires 60 months to train a certified mechanic who can sign off a plane certificate for takeoff. And their pays and status aren’t as good as the ones of pilots.
Enjoy reading and learning about what sorts of shortages the commercial aviation industry is going to face.

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