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Topic Reading-Vol.4420-5/31/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers, 
Come to China, enjoy six amazing teas
Tea is said to have been born in China centuries before the common era began. Today, various kinds of teas are enjoyed including black tea, green tea, white tea, brown tea, oolong tea, and herbal tea in cultures around the world. But tea is most deeply embedded in Chinese culture with a long history of tea serving and with a wide variety of tea types. Here are six popular teas that produce aromas, fragrances, and tastes in China.
West Lake Longjing tea is a special kind of green tea that is harvested in the West Lake area of Hangzhou. White Peony tea is a white tea that is rich in antioxidant properties and provides immune-boosting benefits. Jin Jun Mei is a new variety of black tea originated in Fujian province. The world-famous Pu’er tea is a uniquely fermented tea from the mountainous Yunnan province. Enshi Yulu is an old type of green tea that resembles pine needles. The flavourful Jasmine tea combines the fragrance of jasmine flowers with tea leaves. Which of these have you tasted or would you like to try?
Read the article and see the images of some of China’s renowned tea variations.

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