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Topic Reading-Vol.4402-5/13/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
The lunar far side is wildly different from what we see. Scientists want to know why
Launched on May 3, Chang'e 6 is a robotic lunar exploration mission by China National Space Administration. It is aimed to get a sample of soil and rock from the far side of the Moon and bring it back in 53 days. The lander module will collect two kilograms of samples from 2 meters below the surface and place them in an attached ascent vehicle, which will make an autonomous rendezvous and dock with an orbiter, and then robotically transfer the sample into a return capsule for delivery to Earth. It seems like a technologically amazing mission. But why does China dedicate so much funds and engineering resources to studying the far side of the moon even though it hasn’t been studied as much as the near side? Is the far side so different from the near side that we always see?
Read the article and learn about why there is the near side and far side of the Moon and how different they are thought to be.

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