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Topic Reading-Vol.4414-5/25/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Which foods have the most plastics? You may be surprised
Microplastics are polymer fragments smaller than 5 millimeters, and nanoplastics are less than 1 micrometer in size or about 1,000th of a human hair, which are small enough to migrate through the tissues into the bloodstream. New research found that there are as many as 240,000 micro and nano plastics in a liter of PET bottled water. (Vol.4362)
Then what about the food we regularly eat? Most of the animal and vegetable protein samples tested recently contained microplastics, new research found. Even vegetables and fruits aren’t free from plastic particles as they absorb microplastics through their roots and transfer them to the leaves and fruits. Also, any packaged food items like salt, sugar, tea bags, and even rice contain microplastics and therefore nanoplastic particles, which are small enough to invade individual cells and tissues in major organs. Since we live in a plastic-contaminated world, there is little, but still, something we can do to reduce taking plastic particles from food and drinks we consume.
Read the article and learn about how contaminated the food we eat is by plastic particles.

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