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Topic Reading-Vol.4406-5/17/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
The insect farmers turning to AI to help lower costs
The black soldier fly is the insect farming industry's crown jewel, representing a protein source that can make our food more sustainable. They are considered neither pests nor vectors. Instead, their larvae decompose organic substances and return nutrients to the soil. Also, they are an alternative source of protein for aquaculture, animal feed, and pet food. A small company near Bangkok, Thailand rears black soldier fly larvae to produce animal feed for shrimp and pig farms. The larvae are fed with fruit and vegetable waste to grow. In order to maximize production efficiency, the company uses AI to control the environment, optimize space, and feed the larvae. As more trials and errors are fed into the AI model, it will learn to provide more efficient solutions that will help reduce the production cost, which is still a few times more costly than soybean feed at the moment. If grown efficiently with environmentally friendly feed and in an environment with the help of AI, black solder fly larvae might one day become an ideal source of nutrients for fish, animals, pets, and even humans. Until then, AI needs to be fed with sufficient data.
Read the article and learn about how insect larvae and AI could help feed animals better.

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