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Topic Reading-Vol.893-9/21/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Japan to file new research whaling plan 'this year'
How important whaling is to Japan or its people? How many of Japanese people regularly eat whale meat? How much of the rest of the body is actually needed or used these days?
Whales were hunted to use the every part of the body to produce many daily necessities, such as oil, supplement and medicines. In other words, nothing was wasted. However, more economical and ecologically friendly substitutes are available these days, including meat for protein. So, why Japan, Norway and Iceland still keep hunting whales despite the heavy criticism from the rest of the world?
If one of the main reasons for whale hunting is to keep the jobs for certain fishermen, how about sea farming or ranching? That could produce more highly-demanded sea food that could be exported as well.
Enjoy reading and learning about Japan’s whale hunting for scientific research.

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