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Topic Reading-Vol.892-9/20/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Inside Man’s Best Friend, Study Says, May Lurk a Green-Eyed Monster
Do pet dogs become jealous? Some might have observed their pet dog trying to draw attention when their master is attentive to something else, like other pets. And sometimes they become a little aggressive to their competitor by interrupting the master, or barking or even biting the object. It sounds pretty much like humans, doesn’t it?
An American Phycologist, not on animals but on humans, who has been studying human jealousy put her eyes on pet dogs and ventured an interesting test. She used a stuffed dog, Jack-o’-lantern, and Children’s book and compared what reaction the tested dogs demonstrated on each object.
Enjoy reading and learning how dogs react to different objects that draw their masters’ attention.

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