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Topic Reading-Vol.1874-5/29/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Are you washing and drying your hands wrong?
First of all, do you always wash your hands when you leave a public toilet or get home?
If yes, which do you think is better to use to wash and dry your hands, soap or anti-bacterial hand wash, cold water or hot water, or towel or hand-dryer?
Whenever you touch something unclean, your hands get microbes and bacteria that need to be removed before touching your mouth or eyes. How to remove such health-threatening objects is very simple. Wash your hands properly. There seems to be no one particular thing that makes significant changes to the effectiveness of hand cleaning but to wash your hands thoroughly for half a minute, much longer than you think. And there is a piece of useful and practical advice to do it right; sing a song while washing.
Enjoy reading the article and think of your strategy to keep your hands clean.

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