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Topic Reading-Vol.1873-5/28/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Ramadan 2017: Why is it so important for Muslims?
Every year during the ninth-lunar-month, all healthy adult Muslims don’t eat or drink between sunrise and sunset. Even though each culture has its own tradition, Ramadan is practiced by more than one billion Muslims around the world as one of the holiest events in Islam. Because of the long fast during the day, it makes Muslims become more companionate to those in need. They also enjoy this holy month. When they break the day’s fast, they have a large meal called “iftar,” which usually is shared by extended family members and guests.
No wonder why dusk-to-dawn curfews, if they were in force, are often lifted during Ramadan.
Muslims seem to be reminded intensively what they believe in every year.
Enjoy reading the text and learn what Ramadan is about.

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