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Topic Reading-Vol.1850-5/5/2017

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Childhood obesity – why is it on the rise?
Today’s Children’s Day holiday in Japan. It is to respect ad celebrate children's personalities and happiness. Yes, children should be embraced within a caring and safe environment where they can learn through playing and eating guided by their parents or guardians.
So why is there an alarming level of childhood obesity and overweight problem in the UK? The ratio of children who are heavier than supposed-to-be weight range has been on a steady rise for the last two decades, and now every child per three children is overweight or obese. This is more serious than it sounds because 85% of these overweight/obese children are expected to become obese as adults.
The cause of the problem? More than enough food or not enough exercise. Then why has the problem still been on the rise? Are there any tips that can be adopted without too much sacrifice?
Enjoy reading and learning what can be done to the clear and present danger and the future of the U.K. (and any other country). 

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