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Topic Reading-Vol.4353-3/25/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Seven ways to improve your sleep according to science
How long do you usually sleep? Do you often feel sleepy during the day? If you don’t have enough, quality sleep regularly, you might accumulate sleep debt, the difference between how much you need and how much you actually get. Some people try to sleep in on the weekend to recover from the debt but they often end up feeling more tired on Monday morning. Sleeping for seven to nine hours at night regularly is essential for your mental and physical health. Also, you want to take longer Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and deeper sleep in the winter than in the summer. REM sleep is when we dream and deep sleep is when the body repairs muscles and consolidates memories. If you still feel sleepy during the day, take a catnap or powernap for a few minutes to 15 minutes to recharge energy levels and improve cognitive function. This could avoid falling into a micro-sleep when you sleep for a few seconds to minutes involuntarily. It can be dangerous when you are driving or operating machinery and also annoying when you are attending a class or a meeting. Indeed, how you sleep is as important as how long you sleep.
Read the article and learn about different types of sleep to improve your sleep habits.

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