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Topic Reading-Vol.4286-1/18/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,  
Will reusable cups become as common as grocery totes?
As more shoppers bring their own shopping bags, most stores now don’t simply give away free plastic bags. This move seems to have occurred by increasing public awareness of the environment as well as financial incentives. Will the same shift happen to the container of takeout drinks? Plastic cups and lids are single-use plastics that are harmful to the environment. Paper cups and straws are also used just once and wasted. If customers bring their own reusable cups and bottles, no waste is produced. Now, Starbucks will encourage its customers to bring their favorite reusable cups for takeaway drinks at its 17,800 stores in the US and Canada. Although customers will have to bring their own cups with them when they go out and wash them after finishing their drinks, they don’t have to find a place to trash the paper or plastic cups. Also, they may feel proud of their attitude toward the environment. Indeed, those who don’t bring their shopping bags look inactive and unconscious of the environment nowadays. If other fast-food chains follow suit, consumers will be more encouraged to bring their own cups.
Read the article and learn about Starbucks’s new attempt to reduce waste.

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