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Topic Reading-Vol.4281-1/13/2024

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Seaweed: Should we be eating more of it?
Seaweed is a popular food in coastal regions like Japan, Korea, and China. There are over 140 edible seaweed species but only several of them are produced commercially, such as nori, wakame, dulse, and kelp. Dried nori is mainly used for sushi and rice balls, and wakame, dulse, and kelp are often used in soups and salads. Seawood is considered a superfood because of its nutritious benefits and sustainability. It contains protein, fiber, polyphenols, and iodine, which could reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and blood pressure. Unlike meat or bread, seaweed isn’t eaten as the main part of the meal but is served to complement the dishes. If it is consumed moderately, you can make the dishes more palatable while enjoying health benefits.
Read the article and learn about what seaweed does to your health and meals.

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