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Topic Reading-Vol.1023-1/29/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Greek elections: What now for the euro?
When the pain becomes unbearable, the desperate patient may be left no choice but to seek whatever relief they could get. Imagine a situation where every one out of four is out of work, every one out of two young people has no job. It doesn’t sound so surprising to see the voters in Greece chose the extreme leftists to run the country, who openly committed to criticize the country’s debtors such as European Central Bank, European Commission and International Monetary Fund that had helped its financial crisis few years ago. They are demanding the creditors to simply write off the loans without showing any honor or plans to repay even part of it.
How its neighbors and lenders will react and deal with such disrespectful government?
Enjoy reading and thinking what will happen next in Greece, Euro and Europe.

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