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Topic Reading-Vol.622-12/24/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Japan's active seniors show younger generation how it's done.
Aren’t you one of those who are used with the stereotyped image of the elderly? Sitting in the chair and watching TV most of the day, sleeping in the bed doing nothing all day long, or walking slowly with a cane and sitting on a bench in the park just seeing the passersby?
With a quarter of the population are 65 or older, the highest among the developed countries, and also with the longest life expectancies at 84, Japan is surely aging and even faster in the coming years. The big question is how they should enjoy their last decades, not just a few years, after retiring from work or relieved from caring for children?
Enjoy reading the article and watching the video of active seniors in the fast-aging country.

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