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Topic Reading-Vol.611-12/13/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
China announces holiday dates for 2014
How democratic the country is!!! Asking its citizens how the national holidays should be arranged! And as many as over 31,000 netizens out of over a billion residents responded and the decision and announcement was made only less than two weeks after the poll was closed! Amazing!
But more surprisingly, the poll was conducted only a month before the first holiday of the new year and the final arrangement was announcement only two weeks before the new year!!!
To make this quick time table clear, people haven’t known when their holidays would be in 2014 until December 11th, 2013!!! How and when do people, schools and businesses in the one-party-ruled country plan their business and activities? Don’t they use any paper calendar? They must have gotten used to it!
Enjoy reading and learning about China’s last-minutes announcement for their national holidays.

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