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Topic Reading-Vol.606-12/8/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day in United States.
It was the 7th morning of December 1941 when numerous numbers of Japanese navy aircraft attacked the US navy and army bases and navy ships in Perl Harbor, Hawaii in total surprise.
Though it isn’t a national holiday, the day has been observed by the government offices, schools and other services with the nation’s flag flown at half-mast to honor those who died in the attack. There are special services and events held to commemorate the attack that led the country into World War II.
Since the International Date Line, or IDL, lies between Hawaii and Japan, the event is dated on the 8th in Japan. There aren’t any notable events or services taken place in the country as the day led it into a devastating war and defeat.
Enjoy reading and learning about the historic day in the Pacific.

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