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Topic Reading-Vol.612-12/14/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
General Motors names Mary Barra as new boss.
First, GM is no longer “Government Motors.” Its shares that had been bought by the government during the 2008 financial crisis were sold at a cost of almost ten billion dollars to the tax payers.
Second, GM is no longer “Gentlemen’s Motors.” Its board has named a woman new Chief Executive Officer, CEO, for the first time in the company’s over-a-century history and also in the US auto manufacturers’ history.
Ms Mary Barra, who has led the manufacturer’s most essential and critical product development division, is going to succeed the global motor company as of January 2014.
Will she steer the giant motor company’s wheels on the crowded but fast growing global market?
Enjoy reading and learning about GM’s new master.

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