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Topic Reading-Vol.4244-12/7/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
AI-powered digital colleagues are here. Some 'safe' jobs could be vulnerable.
People have already been working with machines. Take a look at a factory assembling line, an Amazon fulfillment center, and a burger restaurant’s kitchen, you’ll find people working with robots as if they are skilled coworkers. Indeed, those robots are now performing the jobs that have been handled by human workers even faster, better, and more than veteran human workers. Furthermore, they can work 24-7 without a break, save time for maintenance. These machines and robots aren’t just part of automation but thanks to AI, they are also autonomous with the ability to perform and respond to the unexpected. How fast and how much do you think AI tools take over more tasks in knowledge-based, creative, or thinking jobs, like marketing, planning, tutoring, and creative jobs? In many workplaces, they are already there, helping human jobs like assistants or coworkers. However, as AI tools become more advanced and sophisticated, they will sooner or later replace jobs that once were thought and created by humans. The roles of humans in workplaces are changing rapidly as AI and robotics advance.
Enjoy reading the article and think about how you

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