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Topic Reading-Vol.4082-6/28/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Can humans and rats live together? Paris is trying to find out
Rats and mice are both rodents, so look similar - the biggest difference is their size. Rats are larger and heavier while mice have smaller slender bodies. Mice also have long slender tails (for their body size) covered in hair compared to rat tails which are shorter, thicker, and hairless. In the wild or “a city”, rats can live one to three years depending on the species and food supply. Indeed, there are quite a few rats in cities like Paris where food and shelters are available. Food waste, garbage bins, storage, sewers, and even kitchens are the places where rats find their food. Indeed, rats have lived with humans for thousands of years. Now, Paris is seeking better ways to live with rats instead of trying to eliminate them. That doesn’t mean the city wants to see rats on the surface, especially not the ones that carry diseases like plague. But they hope to find ways through scientific research and study to coinhabit with rats peacefully.
Enjoy reading the article about Paris’s cohabitation attempt with rats.

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