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Topic Reading-Vol.4066-6/12/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
Don’t use sugar substitutes for weight loss, World Health Organization advises
Non-sugar sweeteners (NSS), also known as artificial sweeteners or sugar substitutes, are substances used to sweeten foods and beverages without adding calories or significantly impacting blood sugar levels. The use of non-sugar sweeteners has been increasing especially after the 2015 World Health Organization’s guidelines to limit daily sugar intake to less than 10% of total energy intake. For example, if you drink a can of soda, you’ll take about or more than enough recommended daily sugar intake. So, non-sugar sweeteners are being widely used in beverages and foods to make people feel less guilty, or used by people who want to reduce weight or the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes. Indeed, sugar substitutes offer benefits such as low or zero calories, diabetes management, and dental health. In the meantime, frequent consumption of non-sugar sweeteners may train the palate to prefer intensely sweet flavors, which could make it more challenging to appreciate the natural sweetness of whole food. As a result, non-sugar sweeteners don’t seem to contribute to reducing weight, according to new guidance from the WHO. So, don’t sweeten the food and drinks too much whether by sugar or NSS!
Enjoy reading the article to learn about how sugar substitutes affect your health.

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