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Topic Reading-Vol.4057-6/3/2023

Dear MEL Topic Readers,
AI optimism: How embracing artificial intelligence is getting workers ahead
Many workers are wondering if AI tools will replace or help their jobs. It seems that both are happening at the same time. Indeed, AI tools do some or most part of your administrative tasks such as finding information, simulating tasks, or summarizing and organizing thoughts. Some people think that they are taking their jobs while others use AI tools as their personal assistants or copilot. In fact, more people now think that AI tools actually help them focus more on the tasks where their skills, creativity, and thinking are needed. For example, instead of reading all the relevant information, meeting minutes, and email responses, which could take hours of your precious work time, you can have your AI assistant summarize it in just a few minutes. Then, you can work on what you should be doing based on the information, responses, and interactions. If you try to work with emerging AI tools, you may have a better chance to do your job faster, better, and more creatively.
Enjoy reading the article and learn about how AI tools could help your jobs.

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