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Topic Reading-Vol.3486/10/27/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

Keep your brain sharp by finding your sleep 'sweet spot,' study says

How long do you usually sleep a night? If you regularly sleep at least seven hours, you are not in big trouble. But if you are in bed only for six or so hours on weekdays and ten or more hours on weekends, that doesn’t work well for brain function recovery. Also, if your sleep is constantly interrupted by noise, light, or a toilet, the quality of your sleep declines. You want to go through a 90-minute sleep cycle four to six times a night. In the first two stages of the sleep cycle, your body begins to decrease the rhythms to prepare for deep sleep, called delta sleep, which restores your brain and body. Then comes rapid eye movement sleep, or REM sleep, which makes you dream. This is an important stage to consolidate and store information and experiences in memory. In order to go through these stages four to six times a night, you want to sleep in an appropriate environment for six to eight hours, ideally straight. To avoid interruptions, you don’t want to eat or drink too much in the evening. Of course, there is no need to check your smartphone until the next morning.

Enjoy reading the article and learn about what good sleep does to your brain and body.

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