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Topic Reading-Vol.3464/10/5/2021

Dear MEL Topic Readers,

China has built a 5,000-room quarantine center for overseas arrivals. It could be the first of many

China is one of the few countries that has successfully contained coronavirus outbreaks. Over one billion people, accounting for 70% of the nation’s population, have already been fully vaccinated, which could have achieved herd immunity. Also, China’s uncompromising, zero-tolerance strategy towards the coronavirus now mandates three-week quarantine for all incoming travelers from abroad. While other democratic, or populist countries are loosening travel restrictions for vaccinated travelers, Chinese leaders don’t seem to think this coronavirus pandemic will end in any foreseeable future and decided to build large-scale quarantine facilities in major entry cities. The first of its kind was built in Guangzhou, a major industrial and commercial city in Southern China near Hong Kong. The 5,000-room international health station was constructed by over 4,000 workers in just three months. Another example of China’s massive project with amazing speed and scale. There is a video chat camera and an AI thermometer in each room, and all the meals are delivered by robots to minimize direct contact with the quarantined travelers. You may be surprised by the sheer scale of the facility but more are being built. It’s simple math. Each international flight could bring in 300-or-so passengers and they would be all quarantined for three weeks. How many flights will they be able to accept?

Enjoy reading the article and learn about China’s determination to prevent the Covid-19 outbreak.

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